The vocational school has been in operation since the early 2000’s. The training of students began even before the school facilities had been built; because the students participated in the construction projects required to prepare the school for use. Clearing the land and erecting the classrooms and dormitories occurred over several years. Each new class got to experience brick making and bricklaying as the buildings went up. The physical goals for each class were to prepare the students for the rigors of daily manual labor in the construction industry.
Our students are orphans and vulnerable youth who have no hope of getting an education because of the expense required to attend school. Our desire and goal for these students is to give them both a physical and spiritual education. We have the students for two years, which gives us time to disciple them in the Bible through daily Bible lessons. Our Bible training starts with understanding the Bible is God’s word and takes each student through understanding, believing, receiving and walking in God’s culture rather than the culture of sin.
How effective is our training? A survey of all the laborers in our district indicated a large percentage of the skilled laborers are graduates of our vocational school. All of our graduates receive government certificates after successfully completing a rigorous testing process. What is the spiritual impact on the students? Enjoy a few testimonies.
The students and leadership have many opportunities to share the Gospel as they are invited to churches in the district to share about Jesus. The students also take great pleasure in going to the small villages to sing and give their testimony on the streets to anyone who will listen.
© Solid Rock Global Ministries 2015